One of the biggest questions we get about the Shift Your Awareness Program
“What is it you actually do that helps people change their pain and current movement habits?”
Here’s a story that illustrates exactly what we do.
When I met Ann she couldn’t walk up the stairs and was in pain. In her 20’s, Ann had an accident that left her with chronic pain. For years she struggled to find solutions, she had tried everything but wasn’t sure where to turn to next. Ann joined the Shift Your Awareness Program and now moves with more ease and awareness of what she is doing. She knows what to do for herself when pain occurs.
Many more stories
Most people want to move better and without pain but don’t know where to start to understand how their body moves.
We are told by friends to try stretching, that maybe Yoga will help.
Stretching can bring relief for some people for a short time. If it works for you, do it. But if the pain or discomfort keeps coming back then maybe you want to look for a longer lasting solution. There is an easier way to get out of pain and increase your flexibility. Without having to pull your muscles into shape.
The latest research into stretching teaches us that no matter how much you pull on a muscle it will not get longer, well it will for a very short time after some time return to where it started.
This idea will be new to some of us and challenge your ideas of stretching. Most of us grew up stretching in school before doing a form of exercise. But just like once upon a time we believe the earth was flat. Science now knows something different about stretching. Myths are hard to break especially when it’s so widely accepted that stretching will improve your flexibility.
I don’t stretch any more but my muscles remain longer and without any tension through them. Due to my consistent practice of these Awareness Through Movement lessons in the Shift Your Awareness Program
Fitness professionals tell us to get stronger in this area to stop pain.
Strength training is great if you’re already building on a functional system, if an area of your body is out of whack it’s only going to cause more damage. Pain is an indicator that something isn’t functioning well.
Building one muscle group over another one will not address what’s happening in your system that is causing your pain or discomfort.
Strength training on a dysfunctional system will only reinforce the movement patterns that are causing the pain, even creating stress to other areas of the body.
Let’s look at what is strength for? For me, I want to be able to do everyday things. Like ride bikes and climbing trees with my boys, have a casual game of tennis or basketball. I don’t want to be a master of anything. That’s the same for most of us unless you are an athlete training for a competition.
You don’t have to beat your body into shape to stop pain and gain real-world strength for everyday purposes. The process of addressing the dysfunction in your body is much simpler than that.
Building awareness of how you move. Where are you tight and where don’t you move at all. How much of your skeleton moves effortlessly and efficiently from one position to the next.
Strength is one component of intelligent training. Awareness is equally important along with coordination and mobility.
The 3 most common questions people ask about The Shift Your AwarenessProgram are:
Question 1:
How do I know if this movement method is right for me?
Question 2:
How is this different from yoga and Pilates?
Question 3:
What should I expect in an Awareness Through Movement lesson?
Question 1:
Is this Movement Method right for me?
Do you have the motivation to change aspects about yourself you wish were different? You will love this work if:
Question 2:
How is this different from Yoga and Pilates?
Other modalities only focus on a few puzzle pieces, stretching, strengthening, endurance...etc. This movement approach shows you how the whole body works together. Through awareness of what we are doing, we are able to relearn better ways of moving that release excess muscle tension and restore bones to optimal alignment. Giving the body an alternative to conventional popular movement approaches. A dysfunctional system will only be detrimental to the already stressed body.
Question 3:
What should I expect in an Awareness Through Movement group class?
Classes are taught verbally and the participants are guided through the movement sequence. Each lesson is based on a particular function and designed on a precise study of how the nervous system learns best. During the lesson you will lie comfortably clothed on the floor, with your eyes softly closed. The movements are a sequence of gentle actions, to increasingly complex movements that explore your skeletal alignment, breath, muscle tone and sensing habits. Awareness Through Movement® classes give you a chance to retrain your proprioception and expand your muscle memory. This allows your system to accurately sense your movement patterns, to eliminate compulsive and dysfunctional strain.
- inside the Shift Your Awareness Program receive your coupon codes to book into any or all of these online lessons.
As a practitioner my goal is to allow people a passage close to actually being individuals of free choice, to become more of themselves, able to reflect their own individual creativity and emotion, freeing the body of habitual tensions and wired-patterns of behaviour that no longer have a place in their current movement patterns so they may respond without inhibition.
All of us have extraordinary capabilities. To allow them to be efficient all we need to the proper tools and a little application to allow these capacities to function at full potential. Movement is the fundamental key to be able to do this.
We offer a 30day refund. If you are unhappy with the program at any time send email to [email protected]
Refund granted with in 30day timeframe.
No questions asked.
"You can have pain free days"
- Mags, Yoga Teacher, Current Student
Some comments from students in the Facebook group:
2 ways to pay
Directly on this page starts the program straight away
OR Email me at [email protected] for other payment options.
Bank transfer for Australian students.